Home visits

Manchester Orthotics understand that sometimes it is simply not possible to attend one of our clinics. All our orthotists have mobile equipment so no matter which orthotic is required we can provide comprehensive assessments, fittings and reviews in the comfort of your own home.

Home visits can be a good opportunity for our orthotist’s to carry out an assessment in the environment that the patient may spend the large majority of their time. Manchester orthotics understand the value of multi disciplinary working. Therefore we encourage where necessary for other healthcare professionals such as physiotherapists, nurses, and carers who may be working with the client attend any home appointments.

To arrange an appointment call Manchester Orthotics now on 0161 883 0355, or email us at office@manchesterorthotics.co.uk

What we treat

Manchester Orthotics provide orthoses to a wide range of individuals with a huge variety of conditions.

Types of orthotic

We are unique in the fact that as we are independent we can provide orthotics from all orthotics manufacturers.

What is an orthotic?

An orthotic is an orthopedic device that supports or corrects the function of a limb or the torso.

Please fill out the form below to make an enquiry

Alternatively, you can call Manchester Orthotics now on 0161 883 0355, or email us at office@manchesterorthotics.co.uk